Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

other and another

(Another = an additional one; one more.
He has finished one glass of water; he's asking for another (one).
She has ten pretty hats, but she'd like another (one) for summer.

Other = different from the one(s) mentioned.
One shoe is in the closet, the other (one) is under the bed.
She has two brothers. One is a doctor. The other is an engineer.

Others = plural.
She has three brothers. One is in Europe. The others live in Singapore.
Some people prefer to take vacations in August, others prefer autumn.

Every refers to individuals within a group.
Example: Every child in the kindergarten gets a free lunch.
Use singular verbs with every.

When you use time words, use every to show a repeated action.
Example: Every Friday we have a test.
Trains run every fifteen minutes.

All refers to a group.
Example: Papers were distributed to all students.
All bus lines are on strike.
All passengers must change here.

Use all to refer to a period or duration of time.
He will be away all week.
I've been working all day.

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